Posts from the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Newsroom Makes The News Raise To His Feet!


The HBO show The Newsroom has aired its Season One Final episode on the 26thof August – I have been following this show from the beginning and laughed and cried along with the brilliant dialogues of Aaron Sorkin. Yes I know, not many critics will agree with me here, but I have to say that I admire this show because of the endeavor of a brilliant writer to look at the world he lives in and pointing out that something has got to give – something has got to change! We have to want more from our anchors, who are assigned to report us the truth, our TV bosses who are there to create ground breaking, heart aching, real and honest reaching the sky kind of programs.

The criticism is loud and clear spread over the internet

I understand why some journalist are not swept away by this show, and I even understand their attempted attack directed at Mr. Sorkin for being too self-righteous or as Michael Wolf at The Guardian puts it in his condescending attempt to analyze and break down the media business in the article: “Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom’s missing reality principle”. Writing that Aaron Sorkin is working out his heroic fantasy of being in the news business in The Newsroom and he is being indulged (I assume he means by HBO) because he is a rich man is simply undermining everything this genius writer and the awe-inspiring HBO are doing for television, news and informing the public about the way information reaches their ears. This show in many ways indeed is as The New Yorker labeled it; a platform in which Aaron Sorkin shows ‘his defiant intellectual superiority’. His dialogues are a magnificent demonstration of his beautiful mind and his effection for dialogue. He shows that we are entitled to more then merely the chewed off sandwich we get thrown in our faces every time we switch on the news – we should be served more than just the exact amount of news which we need to know in order to experience a brief emotion of adrenaline which makes us consume Your MEDIA and not in fact the whole TRUTH!

Dialogue as heated as a fire breathing dragon  

ImageFurthermore, I have to agree with the article;“In defense of Aaron Sorkin’s “The Newsroom“ by David Denby expressing: “I also enjoyed the show—certainly more than she did” (meaning Emily Nussbaum)”and, afterwards, I felt a kind of moviegoer’s chagrin. Movie audiences get very little dialogue this snappy; they get very little dialogue at all. In movies we are starved for wit, for articulate anger, for extravagant hyperbole—all of which pours in lava flows during the turbulent course of “The Newsroom.”  The dialogue in The Newsroom is energetic; it’s driven and aspires to a change.  Sorkin gives his characters bold dialogue and assigns them into creative leaders of their own professional work. Above everything his dialogue shows intelligence we don’t hear that often specially, because as in the show it does not settle for easy answers it shows guts with every move.

Aaron Sorkin’s performance art – The Newsroom

ImageThis is a show where a lot of critics have tripped over their created fact that Sorkin is using the platform for his own performance art. So let him! The man is a genius, being the godfather of works such as A Few Good MenMoneyballThe Social Network and  “The West Wing” gives him that credit. The West Wing which comes closest in comparison to The Newsroom was more tastefully presented, displayed more charm and Sorkin’s voice was more dressed up. In The Newsroom he is arrogant, he pushes the envelope  and takes a front and centered seat in the drama he is writing, but in my mind he is a talent who deserves his own performance piece; he is the voice for many without a voice and we should applaud this show for the hope it exelurate’s and HBO who by taking this project on displays real leading-edge cable network willpower.

The News is more than just whisked up emotions!

ImageThe Chicago Tribunal writes: Just as Sorkin’s “The West Wing” romanticized Washington politics, “The Newsroom” finds optimism in the very industry whose flaws it seeks to expose.  Well, yes he does! I say the industry is beautiful and as The Newsroom shows; the external powers outside of the industry are paralyzing and chaining journalistic freedom (at The Newsroom). As we see in the role of the TV boss Leona Lansing played boldly by Jane Fonda, fear of outside forces is what has crumbled a once great platform. As far as I can see Sorkin indeed finds optimism in the industry and he wants to recover a once, beautiful vibrant ground breaking process that took place in a newsroom. it’s as Charlie Skinner (played marvelously by Sam Waterston) – the unapologetically old-school president of the news division at ACN and the one responsible for orchestrating the new newsroom 2.0 team says in the first episode:  “for a long time now I badly wanted to watch the news on my TV at night, and then it occurred to me I run a news division”.

The Storyline of The Newsroom – inspiration to do better!

Many claims have been made about the lack of talent in this show, especially the lack of converting personal strength in their TV characters by the actresses Maggie Jordan and Olivia Munn who can’t convey “two or three conflicting emotions at once, with subtlety and humor and split-second timing” as Mark Hale pointed out in his article: “broken hearts and breaking news” which I can only underline. But the other side of the coin for me is that these two girls are exactly the ingredient which makes this show compelling – actually so perfectly imperfect. Since the show starts with a pretty clear statement; the old (experienced) elite who created The Newsroom 1.0 have abonded the fort, because they did not want to work with McAvoy after his heartbreaking monologue at the opening scene during the university college tour. The team who showed loyalty towards McAvoy and stayed on his team; The Newsroom 2.0 is a group of 20-something year olds (among them Maggie Jordan and Olivia Munn) a team who is not extensively trained yet and still untouched by the virus of making TV because of ratings. These are young pupils that with the guidance of the mentors (McAvoy, MacHale and Skinner) are working towards creating a objective news program. Their fearless attempts to bring about new topics to discuss on the show every week is admirable and unique. Therefore, for me this show also represents appreciation for the young crowd who is just stepping up to the plate and I thank Aaron Sorkin for displaying them as imperfect with clumsy hearts, but hard working characters. They have zest and with every episode you see that their drive for growth, desire for change and bringing about new and strong news builds up their characters. You root for them to become strong and successful characters, because you have seen where they come from and the moral code they uphold.  

HBO deserves perhaps the most credit!

ImageHBO has proved over and over again to be the cable television network of the future with the audience in mind, there shows touch on topics that make people dream bigger, think more in-depth and want to experience better. The Newsroom makes me want to write more intensively, investigate and research more thoroughly and aspire to be better than I am, that is the beat a show should aim to bring about. Therefore, I am delighted that HBO has commissioned a second season of The Newsroom.  

I would like to end with a note from Matt Zoller Steiz arguing the negative reviews:“suggested we have become so comfortable with cynicism and despair that we can’t dream anymore” adding that The Newsroom was “corny but inspiring”.  




Darling you are cruel to my heart

Video: Darling you are cruel to my heart – poem. Vampire diaries version


Darling you are cruel to my heart

I should have left you the moment the crow flew over your past

Red wine drips from my lips down to my limbs

A beauty to scream when you are feeding off of my hips

I can hear you leaving – I want a scar to remind me of you

Can’t give it a name anymore – I will move on when the air blows me towards you

Sail away with the dawn

See you at the end of the world

When, desire turns into frustration

That’s, when you know you are stuck

Love I can’t be yours

The shadows dance on the wall

You and I haven’t been happy for far too long

Man fought and died – they fought to teach us about love

Somehow i lost the sense of wanting to surrender to this all

I am not made for your arms

Crashed against the waves of the ocean of dreams

Where do we go when we are delivered to our own disbelieve

It must have been epic, but the sun always comes up and reality strands on the beach

Swords of the Viking paved the way for me to speak

Princess’ fell at the feet of their kings, for a chance to stand on the battleground and kick down their enemies

My doppelganger was fierce

loved the king even through all her tears

Said I love you even when he left her to go to fight for his own sins

Loneliness sets in and i surrender to the loneliest part of my being

The white skin can’t wash away the pain of wanting true love to come and be free from these chains

There is a distance here I can never cross

Kept on hoping you would find me like a beaken of light shining through to my soul

The sound of the night is frightening; something is watching me from the clouds

I am sure I must have forgotten to pray for my soul tonight

What if the moon goes out?

There is just one moment left till I say Goodnight love

Darling you are cruel to my heart

I should have left you the moment the crow flew over your past

Red wine drips from my lips down to my limbs

A beauty to scream when you are feeding off of my hips

Lighten up my face by calling out my name

I will be the one you need this time around

A song for the life we used to live

A song for the life we used to live

For the times we miss, the noises we used to hear

But the house is silent now

Your smell is a distant smell buried in my mind


All or nothing – we climbed up the wall jumped over the fence and left it behind us!

Whatever it was that made us want to escape ourselves

The well just dried out the winter is blowing into the land


Let us fight for the ones who gave it all the ones who fought the European winter

Find your way back home to me

Lay your head on the pillow in the bed where we ducked away from the world

You really were just a gentle spirit

It has been to long – you went and the fight for you is what keeps me here now and forever


Let’s sing for the ones who knew they would lose

For the movie scenes where in battle you know the flower will be slaughtered by your enemy’s sword

But you raise your head and fight with your heart

For that what your soul told you – it will be worth suffering for!


Let us sing for the ones who appreciated us

The ones who remembered us

For the ones who tried to see us

I wished my heart had an off switch

It’s running for miles, worse than a rabbit

Cold, without an aid kit to bring it back to love


Keep me alive; let me feel the gold breeze blowing through the trees

Smell the air when fresh rain touches the cement streets

One more time to run up that hill

One more time to make love to the “I will never forget you” guy

A last chance to say I don’t want to let you go! Not tonight


A song for the life we used to live

For the times we miss, the noises we used to hear

But the house is silent now

Your smell is a distant smell buried in my mind

“De Netwerkmuzikant”

Op de Mei editie van Social Media Club Amsterdam stond de muzikant 2.0 in de spotlight en het onderwerp van gesprek was de online digitale mogelijkheden die muzikanten 2.0 in deze tijd hebben om zich te personaliseren als een online brand.

De eerste spreker was, journalist, Theo Ploeg die de term: “De Netwerkmuzikant” introduceerde. Een passende term voor de huidige muzikant.

Ook was de succesvolle Nederlandse saxofonist, Tom Beek van de partij en hij besprak zijn persoonlijke ervaringen als muzikant 2.0 en de verschillende manieren waarop hij de online muziek verdienmodellen benut.

Wie is de Netwerkmuzikant?

De netwerkmuzikant is  een muzikant 2.0 die zijn publiek goed kent, die open staat voor samenwerking met zijn publiek en zich ervan bewust is dat hij/zij zelf een brand is geworden in de online generatie en zich dientengevolge ernaar gedraagt.  En zodoende een connectie opbouwt met zijn fans en ze in de verschillende fases van zijn creatieve proces erbij betrekt. De netwerkmuzikant is zich bewust van het business model: waardecreatie.  En creëert zodoende bewust waarde voor een niche groep. Waarmee hij via zijn muziek een persoonlijke connectie opbouwt door zijn persoonlijke brand een online identiteit te geven. De Netwerkmuzikant is geen pop-product en gedraagt zich er ook niet naar.  Miljoenen bereiken zit niet in zijn marketing doelstelling, maar hij positioneert zich als een niche-product door te bedenken wat hij wil doen, wie hij wil bereiken en welke geschikte media hij hiervoor wil inzetten.

Verder vind ik persoonlijk dat een netwerkmuzikant ofwel de muzikant 2.0 voor nieuwe digitale producten en ervaringen hoort te zorgen. Innovatie een persoonlijke moed is wat de brand van de muzikant2.0 onderscheidt.

In een van mijn voorgaande posts op muziekpromotie in de online generatie draait om geweldig te zijn!  Heb ik reeds genoemd dat managers en muzikanten zich ervan bewust horen te zijn dat fan-participatie de toekomst is. De digitale mogelijkheden zullen 2012 beïnvloeden het is een trend die een “social listnening, open innovation and connected consumption” te weeg brengt, zoals, de CEO van Agile MusicMark Mulligan voorspelt.

Het goede nieuws

Volgens Theo Ploeg is er door de schaarste een behoefte gecreëerd voor muziekconsumptie via vinyl en (streaming) op kwaliteit. Verder werd er door Tom Beek besproken hoe je als een brand-persoonlijkheid je niche-volgers kan inzetten, door communicatie middelen als een nieuwsbrief, Ebooks, lesmateriaal, samenwerken met deejays en crowdfunding toe te passen. Zo heeft de muzikant alle creatieve vrijheid en kan hij er ook betamelijk aan verdienen.

Tom Beek is een onafhankelijke muzikant en heeft zijn eigen onderneming (wat overigens zeer gemakkelijk te regelen is door je simpel aan te sluiten bij de kamer van koophandel). Hierdoor is hij niet meer afhankelijk van een platenmaatschappij.

Vrijheid voor de Netwerkmuzikant weerspiegelt voor mij de keuze die muzikanten nu kunnen maken om zonder de steun van een allmachtige platenmaatschappij hun muziek aan hun fans te brengen. Muzikanten hebben nu de mogelijk om via verschillende onafhankelijke bureau’s hun muziek te promoten. Zoals Tom Beek aangaf gebruikt hij een New York’s bureau, The Orchard, die voor hem al zijn digitale muziekdistributie uit handen neemt.

Verder acht ik transparantie en relevantie die een brand-persoonlijkheid creëert voor zijn of haar fans één van de sterkste engagement middelen tussen een muzikant en de fans. Hierbij biedt de online generatie de brand-persoonlijkheid vele mogelijkheiden om kleur te bekennen en de fan door relevant, cultuur georiënteerd en dynamish content te intrigeren. Het is van belang om de brand-persoonlijkheid verhaal in de online communicatiestrategie via verschillende kanalen en platforms te delen om een zo breed mogelijk publiek te bereiken.


Een uitspraak van Theo Ploeg laat het best zien in wat voor markt de platenmaatschappij momenteel opereert. Volgens Theo Ploeg kan de platenmaatschappij 2 dingen doen: decentraliseren of hard doorzetten en lobbyen totdat ze de overheid achter zich krijgt.’ Want nu heeft de muzikant door alle digitale mogelijkheden zelf muziek te produceren, distribueren en hun muziek online communiceren in de hand.

Muzikanten hebben de keus om op verschillende manieren onafhankelijk van de platenmaatschappij hun creatieve werk te verkopen en promotie te maken voor hun merchandise. Bijvoorbeeld door muziekplatforms, zoals SoundcloudMOGBandCampSpotify en of alle tegelijk in te zetten. Wat opviel in de zaal is dat een groot aantal van de bezoekers de website BandCamp niet kenden. In feite is dit geen probleem want hier komen de muziekbloggers en muziekjournalisten in het spel en curators zoals Theo Ploeg die de fans nieuwe muziek laten ontdekken en ondersteuning kunnen genereren voor heel veel indie-muzikanten die vrij onbekend zijn bij het grote publiek.

Nicheplatenmaatschappijen sluiten naadeloos aan bij de vrijheden die de muzikant 2.o zichwenst in een platenmaatschappij als ondersteunende partner. BEEP BEEP back up the truck is een van deze nicheplatenmaatschappijen die ontevreden was met de Nederlandse muziekindustrie en daarom zelf een indie-maatschappij opgestart is om online muziek te distribueren en de macht van social media te benutten.

De muzikant 2.0 heeft nu meer dan ooit te voren de kans om zelf het verschil te maken door geweldig muziek te maken, door engagement op te zoeken met de niche markten en fans op te nemen in hun muziekverhaal.

theoploeg waardecreatie

theoploeg waardecreatie

For when we get old and forgetful!

My sister asked me today: “How will you remember what you have listened to when you were younger,over 10 years?” And I replayed full of confidence; trust me I will remember what my favorite music has been!!

But now just before going to bed and leaving another day behind me, I REALISE I have left a lot of music behind me over the years, I have come pretty far from the Backstreet boys days. To celebrate all the music that I have listened to today, I have listed: “my favorite music of the day”.

This goes out to you Mimi, since you are always an inspiration for me and especially for this top 10 list.

Sleep tight folks!

– My favorite music of the day –

Monday discovering songs on

I have been a fan of the Shuffler way of listening to music for a while now and the launch of their new application was a push to write about this audio magazine.
On the website you have the choice to choose between several different playlists which entail music that has been collected by from blogs all over the web. The music that gets played is from posts that entail a mix of YouTube music video’s to SoundCloud tracks and other online music sources. It’s different from the music services which we have out there, such as;, MOG, Pandora and Spotify.

The different approach of is dishing up some new music; by working together with bloggers instead of artists or labels. It does not bring you music found through algorithms that look for specific music which fits your musical taste, but it lets you decide from a list of available playlists genres. Such as: Pop, Indie Rock, Folk, Hip-hop and more and than functioning as a music guide walks you through the different blog posts that fulfill the role of a music player that fits into the playlist genre that you have chosen to listen too.

The fun factor of this online audio magazine is that it helps you discover and rediscover music in a variety of styles. The blogs that are represented on the playlists aim to help you discover great artists from all over the world. The pluspoint of working with blogs is that it helps listeners to discover bands and musicians that they would not necessarily hear about in the main music channels. Bloggers have the power and promote musicians that land close to their own musical preference. Next to this the listeners have the choice to read blog posts from bloggers all over the world and this is interesting, since you can read stories from bloggers from the other side of the world. And there are some fun and eccentric posts to be found on these blogs. So enjoy the music and have a good read in the meantime.

You can also look up the new Shuffler IPad application at the iTunes store.

Met Virgin je eerste facebook momenten delen in pop-art stijl!

Virgin heeft een applicatie ontwikkeld waarmee je je eerste momenten met vrienden op facebook kan vereeuwigen in een pop-art foto. Door de naam van een facebook vriend op te geven in de applicatie kan je de allereerste keer zien waarop jij een je vriend “getagged” zijn in een foto samen of de eerste keer dat jullie samen bij een evenement hebben “ingechecked”. Wanneer je de pop-art foto op je prikbord deelt wordt je vriend automatisch “getagged” op deze foto.
De applicatie maakt gebruik van de nieuwe facebook functie, API dat door de “facebook timeline” mogelijk wordt gemaakt. De Applicatie is deel van een 26 uur durende “social marathon” dat Virgin oprichter Sir Richard Branson host om de geschiedenis van zijn bedrijf te vieren aankomende woensdag.
De facebook gebruikers zijn er al dol op! Vanmorgen bij het openen van mijn facebook prikbord was ik verrast door het aantal “Virgin First Times” post die er zijn geplaatst. Dus een goed moment om je vrienden geschiedenis vast te leggen met deze super leuke Virgin applicatie.
Je kunt de Applicatie nu op de Virgin website downloaden.

Snow Patrol rocks “The Melkweg”

Off the hook! The moves of Gary had the first row fainting! Mama they really did chisel a nice piece of guitarist to join their group and damn just one of those nights you do not want to end.

What a band and what a rock attitude this band has one stage, definitely without doubt one of the major bands we have out there today. This was a night to thank their Dutch fans for selling out their shows in Holland so quickly and off course for celebrating the release of their new album: “Fallen Empires”, the band really treated the audience to a number one magnified performance. What I really found funny and great to see was the humor of Gary Lightbody on stage, trying to connect with the audience by cranking up some jokes and by lifting up the sphere to a fun party mood. Never knew this guy had a comedian hidden inside, brilliant makes the night so much more intimate.

The night was a mix of old fond songs which we were all familiar with and under the encouragement of Gary the Melkweg erupted along with the famous classical songs such as, chasing cars. The crowd sang along beginning with a quiet whisper building up to a great exciting ending. A brilliant moment
Melkweg was totally packed and due to external factors I got their late and had to stand all the way in the back where there was nothing to see off the band and hey you want to see the five handsome Irish boys move on stage! Right! But soon me and the group I was with moved up to the first floor to get a better look at the stage and what a fun sight to watch! There is always something magical about seeing the musicians you love right in front of you on the stage! It’s like the circle is complete and music is all that there is left in the universe, there is nothing visible anymore of the day to day reality it’s just you the crowd in the room and the musicians in front of you rocking the stage. In the moment there is just the band performing their art, their passion, their songs that they worked hard on to write and compose and these same songs that we the crowed have come to hear, because we love them so much.

The band was relaxed and laid back, there was a very remarkable easiness to the performance, which I loved, which made me feel like these guys truly belong on stage and feel right at home there! The performance of one of the new songs was a great treat, it was a mix of folk meets electro so Gary treated us to a brave dance and it was a great psychedelic choreography! Gary has got some moves and knows how to rock to his new songs!
The new Album Fallen Empires is truly worth it, I was there at Fame for their “album signing” on Thursday evening and it was such a delight meeting the guys, such down to earth, warm characters. The album sounds like a real Snow Patrol album, the velvet sound of a snow patrol song is there, but its definitely a new more daring and experimental approach and progress is hearable on the record so definitely an album for the fans to proudly own! Especially when it is signed! ;). I thank Jonny, for signing mines with “Shima Love” it’s just one of those special things I will always keep with fond memories!

Go purchase the Album people, you will like it its work from a band who has proved over and over again with every new album to be worthy of being a successful breaking through international indie band!